15th October 2019 For Immediate Release
Disaster Aid International (DAI) is Now an Official Collaborative Organization of Rotary International
Today we are proud to announce DAI has achieved official Collaborative Organization status with Rotary International marking a major milestone in the journey of Disaster Aid International country partners around the world. (https://www.rotary.org/en/collaborating-organizations)
Disaster Aid International (DAI) was formed in 2010 with Disaster Aid partners in Australia, Canada, USA and the UK & Ireland.
Today we are proud to announce DAI has achieved official Collaborative Organization status with Rotary International marking a major milestone in the journey of Disaster Aid International country partners around the world. (https://www.rotary.org/en/collaborating-organizations)
Disaster Aid International’s mission is to provide relief to help rebuild communities in disaster hit areas anywhere in the world, primarily in the form of temporary shelter, home repair kits and water filtration systems or other non-food aid.
Our Rotary affiliations around the world allows us to coordinate and access areas after a disaster by utilizing the best of local knowledge and resources to assess the situation on-the-ground and customize our ‘Smartaid’ response.
At the heart of ‘Smartaid’ is the involvement of local resource partners especially Rotary clubs and the community to ensure that the aid provided:
Meets their requirements
Involves them in working with us as 'Partners'
Gives them 'Ownership' of the outcome
thereby partnering the community as 'A Resource, Not Victims' and ‘Giving a hand up, not a handout’.
Disaster Aid International country partners around the world align to the Rotary six areas of focus and may actively be involved with the assessment and installation of clean water filtration systems.
Presently our global Disaster Aid International country partners are;
Disaster Aid Australia, Chair Howard Bradfield, email: howard.bradfield@gmail.com
Disaster Aid UK and Ireland, Chair Robert Strachan, email: chairman@disasteraiduk.org
Disaster Aid USA, Chair Wayne Beaumier, email: wayne.beaumier@disasteraidusa.org
Disaster Aid Canada, Chair Frank Elsom, email: frankelsom@shaw.ca
Disaster Aid Malaysia, Chair Nelson Loong, email: loongnelson@gmail.com
Disaster Aid Europe (Czech Republic), Chair Irena Brichta, email: irenabr@quick.cz
Disaster Aid Brazil, Chair Enio Bellé, email: enio@bellpackembalagens.com.br
Disaster Aid Uruguay, Chair Mariana Rezk, email: maiarezk@gmail.com
Disaster Aid India, Chair Dharmendra Gangrade, email: dgnavimumbai@gmail.com
Disaster Aid New Zealand, Chair Nick Hurley, email: nickhinbrisbane@me.com
Our Disaster Aid country partners are either registered charities, societies or entities within their respective Rotary Clubs, Districts or Countries.
To find out how Disaster Aid International may be able to assist your local Rotary Club projects, please contact the undersigned or the Disaster Aid International organization nearest to you.
KK Looi
Disaster Aid Canada (DAC) is a registered Canadian charity founded by members of the Rotary Club of Ladysmith, British Columbia; a Rotary District 5020 club.